The Archdiocese of Chicago, which owns the shuttered Pilsen church, has resisted granting it landmark status, arguing the restrictions would burden the church financially and make it harder to find a buyer.
Carlos Acosta, a former state welfare case worker, was found guilty last year of endangering the life and health of a child in the 2019 death of 5-year-old A.J. Freund. Acosta ignored evidence of physical abuse before A.J. was beaten to death by his mother.
Federal and local officials have repeatedly said they are ready for what could be one of the biggest events to hit Chicago in decades. It’s been described by one Chicago police official as bigger than the 2012 NATO Summit and 1996 Democratic National Convention.
A pesar de llevar años separados, Guadalupe Miranda y Fernando González se graduaron la semana pasada en las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago. Los dos, compañeros de clase desde la infancia, obtuvieron becas completas para Stanford University en agosto. Ahora se reúnen para compartir la emoción que…