AS DONALDTrump USFDA US Your browser does not support the element. returns to power, several colourful characters surround him. One is . Another is , a vaccine-sceptic, conspiracy-theorist and excommunicated member of the Kennedy clan, who says he has “so many skeletons in my closet that if they could vote, I could be king of the world”.Mr Kennedy joined the Trump campaign in August, after dropping out as an independent candidate. Since then Mr Trump has promised to let him “go wild” on health, food and medicine. In his victory speech on November 6th he singled Mr Kennedy out as the man who would help “Make America Healthy Again”. Although Mr Trump has been vague about what role he has in mind, Mr Kennedy claims he was promised “control of the public health agencies”.This possibility has spooked those working in related fields. Mr Kennedy’s history of repeating debunked health claims, most damningly about linking childhood vaccines to autism, has been particularly damaging in a country where science has become deeply politicised. Even Mr Trump’s former surgeon-general has warned against appointing him to a senior post.In a sign of what might lie ahead, Mr Kennedy warned on October 25th, on X, that the Food and Drug Administration’s “war on public health is about to end”, accusing it of suppressing psychedelics, stem cells, raw milk, hydroxychloroquine, sunshine and “anything else that advances human health and can’t be patented by Pharma”. On November 2nd he posted that the Trump White House would on its first day “advise all water systems to remove fluoride from public water”. What job, if any, might Mr Trump give him? That of secretary of health or chief would require Senate confirmation, a spectacle Mr Trump may want to avoid. More likely might be an informal “health tsar” role. This could leave Mr Kennedy stuck in the White House basement with a meaningless title, or at the heart of power with the president’s ear. Much will depend on whether his boss gets sick of him.