Joe Biden should admit Republicans are (partly) right about border security

The witless politics of polarisation is jeopardising support for legal immigration

  • by
  • 10 12, 2023
  • in United States

If therewereDHS ever a good case for a centrist third party in American presidential elections—and right now there is not—the strongest reason would be the mass migration under way in the western hemisphere, which is prompting both major parties to take foolish and even inhumane positions. The surge in illegal crossings of the southern border is a complex problem. But having fed it through the polarisation machine, Democrats and Republicans have come up with simple, reciprocally stymying answers that defy not only compromise but common sense, too.The latest demonstration came in early October, when the Department of Homeland Security () published plans to install 20 new miles of barriers along the Rio Grande in south-eastern Texas. As a candidate Joe Biden promised to build “not another foot” of wall, so reporters sensed the dangling shape of a favourite piñata, hypocrisy, and prepared to swing away.

  • Source Joe Biden should admit Republicans are (partly) right about border security
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