DTO:fromccdateonald (he/him)DEIDEI DEI LGBTQXHRIDEIDEIUS Your browser does not support the element.———— has made significant strides in enhancing the diversity of his team this year. Although there are of course opportunities for improvement, he can point to several diversity, equity and inclusion () metrics by which his performance has demonstrably improved. Having previously expressed reservations about the virtues of (notably by calling a former competitor a “candidate”), Donald should be commended for using his privilege to become a more active ally this year.Donald’s proposed cabinet contains several significant firsts. His appointment of , the first ever female chief-of-staff, will serve as an inspiration to young girls around the world. , nominated as Treasury Secretary, would be the first openly gay person to hold that coveted post, beating Joe Biden’s record for the most senior cabinet position held by a member of the + community. Secretary of state Marco Rubio would become the highest-ranking Hispanic cabinet member in American history: a big win for the Latin community.Donald has been criticised for putting together a less diverse cabinet than his predecessors, with berating him for being on track to pick “the least diverse cabinet this century”. The department thinks such criticisms are mean-spirited and unconstructive. Sure, when looking at cabinet and cabinet-level nominees, the second Trump administration looks as white as his first (see chart). But by the metrics that we have decided to focus on, Donald has in fact outdone his targets. He has a higher share of women on his team than Barack Obama did in his cabinets. He has also made huge strides in the representation of one of the most marginalised, underprivileged groups in American politics: young people. If they are all confirmed, his Big Four (secretary of state, defence secretary, attorney-general and treasury secretary) would be the youngest line-up for at least the past five administrations. Ten out of Joe’s 25 original picks were aged 60 or older when they started the job. The figure for Donald’s second term, should they be confirmed, is just seven out of 24. His pipeline includes the youngest ever press secretary, aged 27, and the third-youngest vice-president, aged 40. His cabinet is set to include three millennials, a 300% increase over that of his Democratic predecessor.Donald is aware that despite all this, he has room for personal growth. In the year ahead he should focus in particular on the “” in . Referring to certain ethnic groups as “bad hombres” is not conducive to an inclusive work environment. He does, however, reject the idea that the over-representation of billionaires (five compared with Joe’s zero) and people from Florida should subtract points from his score. Donald argues that positive discrimination in such cases can be justified to make up for historic wrongs.