These American cities are obsessed with dogs

They are probably not the ones you think

ONE OF THE caricatures of millennials (along with eating too much avocado toast, as if that’s possible) is that they treat their pets like children. Precious pups are carted around in prams. Spot isn’t just a dog, he is a “fur baby”. Except he is probably not called Spot. Human names for pets are . There is even some overlap between the top-ten names for dogs and babies. “Luna” and “Theodore” grace both lists, though for dogs it is the cuddlier “Teddy”.So when it came out in recent years that San Francisco probably has more dogs than children, it seemed like an idiosyncrasy befitting a city filled with tiny flats and wealthy millennials. But San Francisco is not the only place where this may be true (Denver claims more pups than tots too). Nor is it even close to the most dog-obsessed area in America.

  • Source These American cities are obsessed with dogs
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