Super Trump and his mighty MAGA machine

After his Super Tuesday wins, Donald Trump moves swiftly to dominate the national Republican Party

Nikki HaleyDC became the first woman to win a Republican presidential primary on March 3rd, when she earned 63% of the roughly 2,000 votes cast in the District of Columbia. Donald Trump’s campaign quickly sent out a press release knocking Ms Haley for being “crowned Queen of the Swamp by the lobbyists and insiders”. Mr Trump is busy creating a new Republican establishment anyway.Ms Haley notched up a second win, in Vermont, on March 5th, but that came amid an avalanche of defeats. Fifteen states and one territory held primaries, with 854 of the 1,215 delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination up for grabs. Known as Super Tuesday, the typically important day proved unusually sleepy. As expected, Mr Trump dominated, as he has . The front-runner won every Super Tuesday primary but Vermont’s.

  • Source Super Trump and his mighty MAGA machine
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