Muchos visitantes se dirigirán a la ciudad para asistir a la carrera callejera NASCAR de Chicago. Muchos más saldrán de la ciudad en automóvil, avión o autobús, según la AAA. Se aconseja a todos los viajeros que eviten los embotellamientos, se mantengan frescos y planifiquen con anticipación.
Many visitors are heading to town for the NASCAR Chicago Street Race. Many more will drive, fly or bus out of town, AAA says. All travelers are advised to work around congestion, stay cool and plan ahead.
The online survey is part of the Chicago Transit Authority's Bus Vision Project, which it says "will shape how CTA reimagines its bus network and what improvements it should implement in the future."
The latest revelations continue to raise questions over a state parole board decision to release Crosetti Brand from prison just a day before he allegedly killed Jayden and critically wounded the boy’s mother.