Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35th) joined Mayor Brandon Johnson to break ground Wednesday on the project that will finally deliver on the vision brought to Ramirez-Rosa by Logan Square Preservation shortly after he took office in 2015.
The festival, called Fiestas Patronales Puertorriqueñas, will feature new activities, such as a cookoff between firefighters, and new cultural art installations, including a banner stretching 20 feet wide where guests will use stickers to mark the towns they are from.
Andrea Kersten, chief administrator of the Civilian Office of Police Accountability, wrote in a letter to Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling that her office hadn’t received a written response to her earlier request to strip the tactical officers of their powers.
More than 50 events across Chicago featuring local designers will take place in October, with many open to the public and free to attend.