Sunday, March 16, 2025

Search results for keyword: Washington found in 457 News.

  • by david hall
Days Before Convention, Activists Sue Police Over Violence at DNC Headquarters Protest

D.C. police assaulted Gaza war protesters and strangled them with their own keffiyehs, a lawsuit alleges.

  • by david hall
Prepárate para el tráfico de la DNC: Cómo moverse por Chicago durante la Convención Demócrata

En los alrededores del United Center, la Municipalidad dice que los cierres de carreteras comenzarán a las 7 p.m. del sábado. El cierre de calles alrededor del McCormick Place comenzará a las 10:00 p.m. del viernes.

  • by david hall
Picture Chicago: 15 Sun-Times photos you may have missed

Thousands enjoyed the Air & Water Show and Green Day performed at Wrigley Field, all while Chicago is gearing up for the 2024 Democratic National Convention.

  • by david hall
Amtrak to Mayor Brandon Johnson: 'We have significant concerns' about Greyhound stop at Union Station

Amtrak President Roger Harris tells Mayor Brandon Johnson that Union Station, which Amtrak owns, does not have the capacity or money to handle any additional bus riders. He suggested the city move the bus stop to Ogilvie or La Salle Street stations.