Monday, March 17, 2025

Search results for keyword: Money found in 1108 News.

  • by david hall
Landlords of NYC affordable housing launch new venture to combat spiking insurance costs

Members of the new collective say getting insurance costs under control will allow them to spend more on repairs and maintenance for tenants.

  • by david hall
Advocates caution ADU building costs can be high as Chicago considers expanding 'granny flat' pilot

Proponents say widening the accessory dwelling unit program would combat the affordable housing shortage and add density to neighborhoods, but add that construction costs can rise quickly.

  • by david hall
National Association of Realtors broker commission changes taking place in August: What you should know

The NAR's deadline to change its broker commission practices was expected to happen in July.

  • by david hall
Don’t hold your breath for better NJ Transit commutes at Penn Station

NJ Transit and Amtrak promised rider they would do a better job working together. We have bad news: a real fix isn’t likely coming until the late 2030s.