Throngs of adoring fans turned out at Millennium Park to hear the guitar legend Sunday, on what was officially proclaimed 'Buddy Guy Day' by the city of Chicago.
Mouse and Loop the happy parents welcomed the new additions the first weekend of May. The four chicks are doing well and won't be named until they're ready to take flight, possibly in the next week or two.
About 12:20 a.m., two men, 31 and 40, were inside the restaurant in the 100 block of North Wabash Avenue when someone fired into the restaurant and struck them both, Chicago police said.
Ald. Brian Hopkins reignited the debate, proposing an 8 p.m. curfew downtown for unaccompanied minors, two hours earlier than the current curfew. But research already shows curfews are "ineffective at reducing crime and victimization."