Fifty-three people, including nine juveniles, were arrested early Monday in the 3000 block of North Clark Street. A 15-year-old was charged with unlawful use of a weapon and was cited for having a firearm silencer.
Five of the positions directly treat patients and eight work with but don't treat patients. Howard Brown Health said the layoffs will not disrupt patient services.
El alcalde Brandon Johnson ondeó una bandera del Orgullo, y la tesorera del Condado de Cook, Maria Pappas, hizo girar un bastón de mando. Este año se acortó el recorrido y se admitieron menos carrozas, pero la alegría no faltó.
Mayor Brandon Johnson waved a Pride flag and Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas twirled a baton. The route was shortened and fewer floats were admitted this year, but that didn't take away from the fun.