While local events are energetic and entertaining, many participants also say they take time to reflect on Black history and teach younger generations about the realities of race in America.
Brumby and Willum, a pair of 2-year-old male koalas, will be viewable to the public at 2 p.m. Tuesday — the first time koalas will inhabit Brookfield Zoo Chicago.
U.S. District Court Judge Harry Leinenweber, who died Tuesday, taught a one-man master class in life. A man of reason, a man in full, a husband, a father, a grandfather, a great-grandfather. A golfer, a raconteur, an intellectual who loved people, a teller of tall — but true — tales.
The problems facing residents of a Loop condominium property highlight the power that condo board members wield — and the headaches that can give owners.