Russian war criminals may never be brought to justice

Investigate and charge them all the same

  • by
  • 04 8, 2022
  • in Leaders

EVIDENCE OF RUSSIAN litters Ukraine, but however much Ukrainians and some Russians wish differently, no one—least of all , Russia’s president—is likely to spend a single day in prison for them. Nonetheless, it is important that the atrocities are investigated. This is partly to commemorate those who were tortured, raped and murdered. It is also to expose the Kremlin’s lies to a world too inclined to let them pass. And public indictments of Russian troops would serve as a warning that may help deter the next round of killing.Ukraine’s prosecutor-general said on April 3rd that 410 civilians had been . Many more bodies will be found. saw the corpse of the mayor of Motyzhyn, a suburb, blindfolded and shot, apparently by Russian forces, along with her family. We heard details of the murder of Ukrainian men in Bucha, ordered by a Russian commander. Human Rights Watch, a charity, reports that Russian soldiers threw a smoke grenade into a basement in Vorzel, near Irpin, then shot a woman and her child as they emerged.

  • Source Russian war criminals may never be brought to justice
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