Why leaving the ECHR would be a bad idea for Britain

The next litmus test of Tory purity

  • by
  • 04 25, 2024
  • in Leaders

In an idealECHRECHRECHRECHR world, bad ideas would fade into irrelevance. In Britain’s ruling Conservative Party, they have a good chance of becoming official policy. Divorce the country’s ? Sure. Send asylum-seekers to Africa? Let’s do it. Now there is momentum behind another scheme: leaving the European Convention on Human Rights ().The is a set of individual rights and freedoms that Britain was the first country to sign up to after the second world war. For chunks of the Tory party, the has long been an irritant; now it is an affront. In 2022 the court that enforces it blocked flights ; this week Parliament passed a through-the-looking-glass law designating Rwanda a safe country and allowing ministers to ignore similar injunctions. Rishi Sunak, the prime minister, warned that no “foreign court” would stop the Rwanda scheme from getting off the ground. Leaving the will almost certainly be a if Mr Sunak is turfed out at the next election.

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