- by Goma
- 01 30, 2025
are more humiliating for Palestinians than plodding through the Israeli checkpoint at Qalandiya, where the West Bank’s administrative headquarters at Ramallah are separated from the Palestinians’ would-be capital in east Jerusalem. Young Israeli conscripts bark orders at middle-aged labourers queuing to cross. Meanwhile the Palestinian workers can hear the roar of Israeli commuters who live in settlements on nearby Palestinian land zooming along a four-lane motorway barred to Palestinians, en route to jobs in Tel Aviv. “The humiliation is a tax I have to pay to feed my six children,” says a day labourer trudging to work in Israel.Seventy-five years after the voted to divide Palestine into an Arab and a Jewish state, Palestinians are still waiting for one. While Israelis celebrate May 14th 1948 as their day of independence, Palestinians mourn their , or catastrophe, when some 700,000 of them were forced from their homes or just fled.