Metra to run hourly service from O'Hare during DNC

North Central Service line trains will run hourly over 10 days overlapping with the DNC between the O'Hare Transfer station and Chicago Union Station.

Metra will run trains hourly from O’Hare Airport to downtown Chicago during the in August.North Central Service line trains will run hourly from Aug. 12-30, overlapping with the DNC, between the O’Hare Transfer station and Union Station, according to Metra. One-way fares will cost $3.75, with trips downtown taking about 35 minutes. The DNC is scheduled for Aug. 19-22.It’s a significant increase in service from Metra’s station near the airport’s long-term parking and rental car garage and is accessible from the airport by the People Mover tram. The station typically offers six daily trains to the Loop on weekdays and none on the weekend.Metra CEO James Derwinski mentioned the temporary boost in service Tuesday . Derwinski and other Chicago-area transit bosses asked state legislators to increase transit funding so they could increase the frequency of trains and buses.

  • Source Metra to run hourly service from O'Hare during DNC
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