Friday, March 14, 2025

Search results for keyword: homelessness found in 32 News.

  • by david hall
Homelessness in England has risen by 26% in the past five years

Manchester demonstrates how hard it will be to tackle

United States
  • by david hall
Homelessness rises to a record level in America

A surge in migration and disasters pushed already tight housing markets over the edge

United States
  • by david hall
Los Angeles decides it is sick of scandal

A parade of corrupt officials prompted voters to reform local government

  • by david hall
Despite breach of security perimeter, protesters mostly peaceful as DNC kicks off

During Monday's march, dozens of protesters broke through the security perimeter fencing near Park 578, a designated protest site near the United Center. Police responded before the protesters could get any further, leading to a standoff. Eventually, the fencing was breached in five locations, and…