Because it's a competitive cannabis market out there, here are your early links: NYC has great dog parks, Costco membership price is going up, advice from Australia, and more from around the city and internet.
Because this contest just gets spicier, here are your early links: Hobby Lobby coming to Tribeca, a new rule for New York hotels, feral cats are taking over NYC, and more from around the city and internet.
Because it's eitehr accessible or not, here are your early links: Lionel Messi at MetLife tonight, a vandal tells all, RFK Jr. promises he loves dogs, and more from around the city and internet.
Because it makes for a dreary commute, here are your early links: A new Cellino & Barnes show, a giant movie screen is coming to NJ, Hello Kitty's 50th birthday and more from around the city and internet.