Martez Cristler and Nicholas Virgil were charged with murder and aggravated arson, Chicago police said. Anthony Moore was charged with fraud and forgery in connection with the fatal West Pullman house fire that killed Pelt.
Students admitted to CPS gifted elementary programs are three times more likely to get into one of Chicago's 11 test-in high schools than kids who go to nonselective neighborhood elementary schools, a WBEZ analysis of data has found.
The man, 33, had gotten into a verbal altercation with a man in the 12400 block of South Michigan Avenue about 6:27 p.m. when the other man shot at him with a handgun, hitting him in the arm, police said.
Officer Daniel Fair already was facing felony charges accusing him of lying about a gun arrest when the Civilian Office of Police Accountability found that he and other tactical officers also lied about other gun seizures. Now, a judge has rejected prosecutors’ bid to cite those new accusations in…