Those payments to Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue by the Flossmoor Democrat and former NFL player's campaign fund might not be legal if the items purchased were for personal use.
Raid Ghanimah is accused of covering his name and star number on his uniform during a march last year. At the time, he was on a leave of absence from the police department, and he's seeking full disability payments for an unrelated injury, records show.
Raid Ghanimah is accused of covering his name and star number on his uniform during a march last year. At the time, he was on a leave of absence from the police department, and he's seeking full disability payments for an unrelated injury, records show.
That brings the total payments to the cosmetics artist to more than $36,000 this year and in 2023. The mayor's campaign still won't identify the other "individuals" who've had their hair or cosmetics paid for.