The man, 25, was walking on train tracks about 8:50 p.m. near the 1700 block of East 71st Street when two people approached him and they exchanged gunfire, police said.
They told us about Old Town's history, Beverly's hills, South Shore's big city feel and small town energy.
A partir del lunes, el salario mínimo de los trabajadores con propinas aumentará de $9.48 por hora a $11.02. Los sueldos de los trabajadores con propinas aumentarán anualmente hasta 2028, para alcanzar la igualdad con el salario mínimo general de la ciudad.
Starting Monday, the tipped minimum wage is increasing from $9.48 per hour to $11.02. Wages for tipped workers will rise annually until 2028, to reach parity with the city’s standard minimum wage.