Mouse and Loop the happy parents welcomed the new additions the first weekend of May. The four chicks are doing well and won't be named until they're ready to take flight, possibly in the next week or two.
Ruling means charter schools are not protected by the state’s school closing moratorium, which ends next year. The appellate decision is important because it frees the board to vote not to renew charter school contracts.
A marked squad car was eastbound about 7:10 p.m. on 63rd Street when it struck an unmarked squad car traveling south on Racine Avenue, Chicago police said. One of the squad cars struck a Cadillac.
Carlos Acosta, a former state welfare case worker, was found guilty last year of endangering the life and health of a child in the 2019 death of 5-year-old A.J. Freund. Acosta ignored evidence of physical abuse before A.J. was beaten to death by his mother.