Sunday, March 16, 2025

Search results for keyword: Lake View found in 26 News.

  • by david hall
Chicago restaurants are being burglarized in record numbers: 'I'm just beyond outraged'

There were 635 burglaries reported at restaurants last year, the most since at least 2001, and the city is on pace to surpass that number this year.

  • by david hall
Police order ‘mass arrest’ in Lake View hours after Pride Parade

Fifty-three people, including nine juveniles, were arrested early Monday in the 3000 block of North Clark Street. A 15-year-old was charged with unlawful use of a weapon and was cited for having a firearm silencer.

  • by david hall
El desfile del Orgullo, aunque reducido, es tan jubiloso como siempre: ‘Sigue siendo el Pride’

El alcalde Brandon Johnson ondeó una bandera del Orgullo, y la tesorera del Condado de Cook, Maria Pappas, hizo girar un bastón de mando. Este año se acortó el recorrido y se admitieron menos carrozas, pero la alegría no faltó.

  • by david hall
Trimmed and tightened Pride Parade is as jubilant as ever: 'It's still Pride'

Mayor Brandon Johnson waved a Pride flag and Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas twirled a baton. The route was shortened and fewer floats were admitted this year, but that didn't take away from the fun.