Raid Ghanimah is accused of covering his name and star number on his uniform during a march last year. At the time, he was on a leave of absence from the police department, and he's seeking full disability payments for an unrelated injury, records show.
Raid Ghanimah is accused of covering his name and star number on his uniform during a march last year. At the time, he was on a leave of absence from the police department, and he's seeking full disability payments for an unrelated injury, records show.
In a lawsuit, Kinza Khan alleged she was "doxed" last November after she and some friends were filmed near where a man was taking down posters of Israeli hostages with the caption “Kidnapped by Hamas.” She said she was the victim of death threats and sexual harassment.
The deputy executive director of the Mayor’s Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes is leaving after her boss was fired in April.