Monday, March 17, 2025

Search results for keyword: Irving Park found in 12 News.

  • by david hall
Picture Chicago: 15 Sun-Times photos from 2024's last week of May

Chicago’s public lakefront beaches opened for the summer season, Mayor Brandon Johnson announced the city is taking steps to expand mental health services, and plans for the first Chicago Fashion Week were announced.

  • by david hall
Partial closures of DuSable Lake Shore Drive begin for pavement repairs

Three southbound lanes from Irving Park Road to La Salle Drive were closed from 7 p.m. Monday until 5 a.m. Tuesday, per the Chicago Department of Transportation. Other sections of the roadway will be closed through the week.

  • by david hall
Agentes federales acusan a tres hombres que presuntamente robaron $250,000 en robos de negocios a mano armada

El trío usaba máscaras, portaba armas de fuego y utilizaba vehículos robados para asaltar licorerías y bares, según los fiscales federales.

  • by david hall
Feds charge three men who allegedly stole $250,000 in string of armed holdups

The trio wore masks, brandished firearms and used stolen cars to rob liquor stores and bars, federal prosecutors say.