El alcalde Johnson, que pidió ayuda a los servicios federales, dijo que los autores de los tiroteos tomaron “la decisión de matar a mujeres, la decisión de matar a niños, la decisión de matar a ancianos. Y estoy aquí para decir rotundamente que ya es suficiente”.
Unknown gunmen entered the home in the 7100 block of South Woodlawn Avenue and "shot up the place" on the Fourth of July, witnesses said, according to police reports obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times.
Johnson, who called on the feds to help, said those who did the shootings made "a choice to kill women, a choice to kill children, a choice to kill the elderly. And I’m here to say emphatically that we have had enough."
Of those shot, 24 were in mass shootings in Greater Grand Crossing, the Near West Side, Douglas and Austin.