Ald. Emma Mitts said she accepted the mayor's offer to chair the Housing Committee and thought she had a deal — until Tuesday, when she was told the job has been promised to Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, who resigned as Zoning chair after being accused of bullying Mitts.
Robert Christie wants City Hall to do more to protect his home from errant trucks that find they can't fit through a nearby underpass. City Hall recently cited him for failing to fix the damage the trucks left. Now, he's considering selling.
In handing down the sentence, U.S. District Judge Virginia Kendall told Janice Weston, "It’s very troubling. You have a few moments in time where you knew it was illegal and you could have left.”
Neighbors worry the trucks would create a hazardous nuisance as well as air pollution in a low-income Black residential area.