Starting Monday, the tipped minimum wage is increasing from $9.48 per hour to $11.02. Wages for tipped workers will rise annually until 2028, to reach parity with the city’s standard minimum wage.
Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling said the department is heavily focused on keeping Lake View safe in the late-night hours after the parade, which have seen street takeovers and violent crime in recent years.
Out of 114 "hate incidents" reported from Jan. 1 through June 13, only 17 were deemed “bona fide,” 83 were “unfounded” and 14 were listed as “undetermined.” Ald. Debra Silverstein, who pushed to create the new category, said the low numbers show more public education is needed.
Pat Cleary, president of Chicago Fire Fighters Union Local 2, predicted “hundreds” of members would participate in the two-hour march on Michigan Avenue on July 6.