That brings the total payments to the cosmetics artist to more than $36,000 this year and in 2023. The mayor's campaign still won't identify the other "individuals" who've had their hair or cosmetics paid for.
"Although we don’t yet know exactly what happened, we should all be relieved that former President Trump wasn’t seriously hurt, and use this moment to recommit ourselves to civility and respect in our politics," said former President Barack Obama.
More than 30 groups organize Downtown Day, offering free admission to several attractions — such as the Shedd Aquarium and the Art Institute — for young people who don't often leave their neighborhoods to explore the city's richness.
When Richard M. Daley became mayor, he "understood more than anybody ... that he had to address what was called Beirut-on-the-Lake at the time because of the racial divide," his brother Bill Daley told the Sun-Times.