Amtrak President Roger Harris tells Mayor Brandon Johnson that Union Station, which Amtrak owns, does not have the capacity or money to handle any additional bus riders. He suggested the city move the bus stop to Ogilvie or La Salle Street stations.
Pedro Martinez’s departure, which hasn't been finalized, could come after clashes with the mayor’s office and Chicago Teachers Union leaders over how to address a massive budget deficit and historic underfunding of the school system.
Anthony Driver, president of the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability, said the referral to Inspector General Deborah Witzburg was based on 'information from multiple knowledgeable sources that raised serious concerns' about the Civilian Office of Police Accountability.
The quarterly report does not include the name of the former deputy mayor. But Elena Gottreich identified herself as the accused and denied ever drinking on the job, calling the allegations “ridiculous and absurd.”