Saturday, March 15, 2025

Search results for keyword: Brandon Johnson found in 151 News.

  • by david hall
Modified Clark Street closure to allow limited vehicle traffic, expand outdoor dining

Dining areas could be set up in curb lanes on Clark from Grand to Kinzie, with vehicles still able to use the middle lanes. Ald. Brendan Reilly is not happy.

  • by david hall
CPS, CTU converge on Springfield to ask lawmakers about more money for schools

CTU members took buses to the state capital and split into groups to meet with legislators and make their case for additional funding as CPS faces a nearly $400 million budget deficit for next school year and some schools are reporting cuts.

  • by david hall
Cierran refugio para migrantes de Woodlawn, el onceavo que cierra hasta la fecha

El refugio ubicado en el edificio de la que fuera la escuela Wadsworth, en el 6420 S. University Ave., fue “desmantelado” recientemente y todos los residentes fueron trasladados a otros refugios temporales o han encontrado una vivienda permanente, dijeron funcionarios de la Municipalidad.

  • by david hall
North Lawndale neighbors fight plan to demolish historic buildings, add truck traffic

Century-old buildings may be torn down to make way for another logistics and distribution site, adding pollution, nuisance to a West Side Black community.