Sunday, March 16, 2025

Search results for keyword: Belmont Cragin found in 14 News.

  • by david hall
Racketeering indictment filed in 2021 slaying of National Guard soldier

The investigation into the death of Chrys Carvajal led to last month's highly publicized FBI raid in Lincoln Square.

  • by david hall
Cuatro heridos graves después de una pelea que acabó en tiroteo en Belmont Cragin

A últimas horas del viernes, un hombre de 43 años estaba cerca de su casa en la cuadra 4700 de West Wrightwood Avenue cuando comenzó a discutir con tres hombres que conocía, dijo la policía de Chicago.

  • by david hall
4 critically injured after fight leads to shooting in Belmont Cragin

Late Friday, a 43-year-old man was near his home in the 4700 block of West Wrightwood Avenue when he began arguing with three men he knew, Chicago police said.

  • by david hall
Mayor unveils sidewalk snow removal pilot that one alderperson says will bring blizzard of trouble

Sidewalks would be cleared in pilot areas whenever “two inches or more” of snow and ice accumulate over a 24-hour period for a maximum of seven snow events or a one-year period, "whichever comes first.”