Sunday, March 16, 2025

Search results for keyword: Belmont Cragin found in 14 News.

  • by david hall
Los residentes de Logan Square reciben unidades de aire acondicionado en medio de la ola de calor de Chicago. ‘Este calor es ridículo’

Robert Magiet, propietario de un restaurante, entregó 24 unidades de aire acondicionado a residentes de Logan Square, Humboldt Park y otras áreas cercanas el martes y el miércoles, mientras Chicago alcanzaba cuatro días seguidos con temperaturas que superan los 90 grados.

  • by david hall
Logan Square residents get free air conditioners amid Chicago’s heat wave

Restaurant owner Robert Magiet delivered AC units to residents in Logan Square, Humboldt Park and other areas Tuesday and Wednesday as Chicago hit four days in a row with temperatures exceeding 90 degrees. "This heat is ridiculous," he said.

  • by david hall
Man killed, woman wounded in Belmont Cragin shooting

The 30-year-old man, and the woman, 31, were in a car about 2:30 a.m. in the 3000 block of North Cicero Avenue when someone in another car fired shots.

  • by david hall
Shedd Aquarium announces new lakefront learning center, expanded outreach in South, West side neighborhoods

Plans for the new Morgridge Family Lakeside Learning Studios were unveiled Friday, along with an expansion of the Shedd's youth education programs in South and West side neighborhoods. The learning center, she added, will serve about 300,000 young people very year.