Divonte D. Calhoun y Justin H. Redmond fueron acusados de robo a mano armada y asesinato en primer grado por el asesinato el 10 de mayo de Zet Rodríguez-Lara, de 24 años, a una cuadra de su casa, según los registros judiciales.
Despite spending years apart, Guadalupe Miranda and Fernando Gonzalez graduated from Chicago Public Schools last week. Childhood classmates, both earned full scholarships to Stanford University in August. They’re now hanging out to share excitement about their college plans.
Divonte D. Calhoun and Justin H. Redmond were both charged with armed robbery and first-degree murder in the May 10 slaying of 24-year-old Zet Rodriguez-Lara just a block from his home, according to court records.
“It was indeed the most controversial thing that I had done,” said John Choi, the top prosecutor of Ramsey County, which covers St. Paul, Minnesota.