Thursday, March 20, 2025

Search results for keyword: higher found in 674 News.

  • by david hall
CPS dropping school police officers didn't change students, teachers feeling safe, U of C study reveals

The University of Chicago analysis released Wednesday found a reduction in high-level discipline infractions at schools that had gotten rid of cops, and that Black students were more likely to have officers in their schools than other racial groups.

  • by david hall
A smiling Ed Burke greets 2-year sentence on corruption charges as judge rejects prosecution request for much tougher term

U.S. District Judge Virginia Kendall seemed affected by the hundreds of letters written by Burke’s supporters. “I have never in all my career seen the letters that I have received for Mr. Burke.”

  • by david hall
47 candidates file for Chicago school board elections

The window for hopefuls to submit their minimum 1,000 signatures to get on the ballot closed Monday afternoon with more than two dozen final-day submissions wrapping up the week-long process that kicked off the elections.

  • by david hall
In Toronto, immigrants find a modern, fast employment system

But while many praise Canada’s Express Entry system as speedier than the months-long wait to get a work permit in the United States, immigrants can face hurdles finding pay and job titles equivalent to the ones in their native countries.