Este año el evento fue organizado por Yollocalli, el programa de alcance juvenil del museo en La Villita y CALOR, organización de defensa de la comunidad LGBTQ+ dedicada a la prevención y a la concientización del VIH/SIDA en la comunidad latina.
Ald. Matt Martin (47th) wants to start small, with a public financing program confined to candidates for City Council. That limits the cost to roughly $10 million over four years.
The last time Chicago saw a seven-day streak of low temperatures above 70 degrees was in 1933, just months after Franklin D. Roosevelt was first sworn in as president, and Chicago was hosting its last world's fair.
Prospective candidates took turns presenting their piles of papers for counting; officials had to confirm at least 1,000 signatures before they could be submitted. Candidates have until 5 p.m. next Monday to file.