Alzheimer’s disease may, rarely, be transmitted by medical treatment

Childhood treatment with contaminated human growth hormone may cause the disease years later

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  • 01 29, 2024
  • in Science and technology

RESEARCHERS DIVIDEHGH Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, into two types. “Sporadic” cases usually occur in people over 65. Rarer “familial” ones are associated with a handful of mutations that run in families. Symptoms can begin in a patient’s 30s.But evidence is mounting that a third, much rarer type exists as well. A paper published on January 29th in describes five people with early-onset Alzheimer’s who may have contracted it from human growth hormone () given when they were children. If that is indeed what has happened, it would establish a third “iatrogenic” form of the disease—one that is transmitted by medical procedures.

  • Source Alzheimer’s disease may, rarely, be transmitted by medical treatment
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