Too many people want to be social-media influencers

That is good for companies but bad for “creators”

  • by
  • 10 29, 2024
  • in Business

Ask a young person what they would like to do with their life and increasingly often the answer will be to find fame and fortune online. Fully 57% of would like to be a social-media influencer, according to Morning Consult, a pollster; 53% describe it as a “reputable career choice”. Those dreams may be understandable: examples abound of social-media superstars, from fashionistas and comedians to gamers, making tens of thousands of dollars for a post promoting the wares of some brand. As consumers spend more of their lives on social media, the amount of money companies are paying influencers is rocketing.

  • Source Too many people want to be social-media influencers
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