E-sports are trying to encourage more women to compete

For now, all the top players are male

  • by
  • 11 27, 2021
  • in Europe

YOU WAITVALORANTVALORANT, rifle in hand. An enemy appears. You kill him, and whoop for joy. Welcome to , a popular video game that some people play professionally. This year the Champions Tour, a series of contests that ends next month, will offer $1m in total prize money. Eighty players are competing; all are men.Some 42% of gamers who watch e-sports (at least occasionally) are female, and women often commentate on tournaments. But of the 300 highest-earning e-sports players, not one is a woman. Why so few women make it to the top is poorly understood. E-sports do not require physical strength. But they do require dedication, and the pool of avid female gamers is smaller than the pool of males.

  • Source E-sports are trying to encourage more women to compete
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