Mario Draghi is set to become Italy’s next prime minister

He will have to move fast to overcome Italy’s deep-seated problems

  • by ROME
  • 02 13, 2021
  • in Europe

WAS THERE ever a luckier prime minister than Mario Draghi? Or an unluckier one? He is set to come into office with around €200bn ($240bn) from the EU’s recovery funds to spend. But he will also take over Europe’s worst-performing economy in a pandemic and with a parliamentary majority hard put to agree on anything, let alone on controversial structural reforms the European Commission wants to see implemented as the largesse is disbursed.By February 12th, as he prepared to announce a cabinet featuring a mixture of politicians and technocrats, only the far-right Brothers of Italy party had declined the chance to climb aboard the “Super Mario” bandwagon. The ideologically variegated Five Star Movement (M5S), the biggest group in parliament, gave its approval following an online ballot of members (with a lukewarm 59% voting in favour of Mr Draghi). Even the hard-right Northern League hastily renounced its Euroscepticism to book a place in Italy’s next parliamentary majority, and perhaps its cabinet.

  • Source Mario Draghi is set to become Italy’s next prime minister
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