Europe’s ambivalence over globalisation veers towards scepticism

The EU is turning French

  • by
  • 10 20, 2022
  • in Europe

European policymaker trying to make sense of how voters feel about the outside world. Over three-quarters of citizens from Ireland to Greece say they are in favour of free trade. Globalisation is welcomed by an impressive six in ten Europeans, despite being vilified by lefties as a sinister American plot. It should follow that protectionism—essentially the opposite of free trade and the very thing to derail globalisation—would have few fans. And yet in the same series of opinion polls organised by the , far more Europeans say they feel warmly towards protectionism than oppose it. Not since Boris Johnson left Downing Street has anyone tried so brazenly to eat a cake and have it too.The indecisiveness of the public is reflected in Europe’s approach to its economic arrangements. For the most part the is open to trade and welcomes foreign investment, part of a squishy consensus that free markets work (with a few corrective measures). At the same time, a protectionist instinct remains, and it has been gaining ground of late. Europe has been looking at the outside world, and is not sure it wants to be overly reliant on it. War on the continent’s doorstep, exploding Russian gas pipelines and endless trade fights between China and America—Europe’s two largest trading partners—have boosted those who would like to raise the drawbridge a touch.

  • Source Europe’s ambivalence over globalisation veers towards scepticism
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