Russia tries to overwhelm Ukraine with missiles

As the land war grinds on, the aerial one is heating up

  • by Kyiv
  • 12 29, 2023
  • in Europe

IT WAS A phone call from his wife that warned Serhiy that might be headed his way. The security guard had been up since the early morning, woken by the first wave of Russian drones fired towards Kyiv. He had even had time for his first cup of coffee. But nothing prepared him for the three blasts just before eight, the final one the loudest. “We were standing, chatting, all calm,” he recalls, “and then—boom—thrown in the air with everything shaking.”Several hours after impact, the scene outside his hut remained apocalyptic. Chunks of rocket metal lay twisted on the ground. Bare window panes swung from their frames. A few doors down, smoke bellowed from a red-brick factory, the apparent target of the attack.

  • Source Russia tries to overwhelm Ukraine with missiles
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