The recipe for the outperformance of Swiss businesses

Common sense and low taxes make the Alpine nation a corporate haven

from the world of politics, business, academia, media and the arts descended on Davos on May 22nd for the first in-person bash of the in more than two years. For over half a century the great and the good have used the annual get-together to chew over the world’s most pressing problemsThey feel at home in Switzerland. Just as the small mountain village punches far above its weight as a talking-shop, Switzerland has prospered as a haven for businesses far beyond what might be expected of a small, landlocked country with few natural resources. It is home to 13 of the top 100 European firms by market capitalisation and 12 of the top 500 worldwide. What is the secret sauce of the Swiss?

  • Source The recipe for the outperformance of Swiss businesses
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