A reformist prime minister takes over in Bulgaria

Alongside a fellow new broom

IN 2021 BULGARIANSMP voted in three general elections and a presidential one. They ended 12 years of domination by Boyko Borisov, a bull-necked former bodyguard whose period in power saw incomes rise, the population fall and lurid tales of corruption proliferate. But it was only this week that a new coalition government finally took the reins of power. Make way for “the Harvards”, the political pairing now performing a double act.Kiril Petkov, aged 41, and Assen Vassilev, aged 44, are the new prime minister and finance minister respectively, having earlier this year served in the country’s interim government. Both studied at Harvard Business School. Both became successful entrepreneurs after returning home. But that is not the only reason they are dubbed “the Harvards”. In 2008 they together opened a centre in Sofia affiliated to the school, offering courses on economic strategy and competitiveness. Many of their graduates are either already s for the new government or will fan out to run bits of the administration.

  • Source A reformist prime minister takes over in Bulgaria
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