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- 01 30, 2025
ANGELA MERKEL’SCDUCDUCDUCDU lethargy covered Germany like a “carpet of fog”, raged Friedrich Merz in 2019. There was never any love lost between Germany’s ex-chancellor and the man she forced out of a top job in the conservative Christian Democratic Union () in 2002. Tail between his legs, Mr Merz left the Bundestag in 2009, only to re-emerge nine years later to compete for the party leadership Mrs Merkel had vacated. His candidacy thrilled members seeking conservative red meat. But moderates found his arrogance off-putting. His bid flopped, as did another last year.But in September the winner of that second contest, Armin Laschet, led the and its Bavarian sister party to electoral defeat. Now licking its wounds in opposition, the has finally turned to Mr Merz, who takes over as leader this weekend. Once known as a macho tax-cutter with a taste for teasing the politically correct, Mr Merz, 66, now presents himself as a moderate. He promises to court women, gay people and young voters, and to pursue social justice.