More evidence that animals reduce childhood allergies

Except for hamsters, which make things worse

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  • 03 29, 2023
  • in Science and technology

The problem with a catchy name is that sometimes it catches on too well. Take the hygiene hypothesis, outlined in 1989 by David Strachan of St George’s, a hospital and medical school in London. It suggests that the rise of allergenic sensitivity observed in rich countries over the course of the 20th century may have been caused by a corresponding decline in childhood infections, and also by a shift from rural to urban living, so that children are no longer routinely exposed to farm animals.Dr Strachan’s work still has much to recommend it. What the catchy label has fostered, however, is an erroneous belief that cleanliness is not necessarily a health benefit. In reality, says Thomas Marrs, a paediatric allergist at Kings College, London, hygiene is usually about bugs causing infection—and the bugs that may be beneficial are different from those which do that. But it is plain to see why alternative descriptions, such as “the high turnover and diversity hypothesis” or “the microbial deprivation hypothesis”, have not caught on, more accurate though they may be.

  • Source More evidence that animals reduce childhood allergies
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