Israel again rattles its sabre at Iran

A military response is readied as hope for a nuclear deal fades

TWO BY TWOF they roared into the sky over the Israeli desert—American -16s, British Typhoons, French Rafales and more—to confront an unseen enemy called “Dragonland”. The foes of war games are fictitious; Israeli officers were at pains to say the exercise was “generic”.Yet Dragonland’s force, with its drones and air-defence missiles, seemed a lot like Iran’s. Such exercises “are needed to face Iran”, noted one general.The “Blue Flag” exercises at the Ovda air base in the Negev desert are a form of military diplomacy, and a signal that Israel, the host, has friends. Israel is becoming the hinge of two emerging military groupings: an eastern Mediterranean one to fend off Turkey, and a Middle Eastern one to deter Iran. The number of Blue Flag participants has grown—seven countries, including India, exercised with Israel this year. The United Arab Emirates’ air-force chief watched as an honoured guest.

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