How to avoid a common investment mistake

Think less about what to buy, and more about how much

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  • 09 21, 2023
  • in Finance and economics

If you everltcmltcm hear a professional investor talk about a trade that taught them a lot, prick up your ears. Usually, this is code for “a time I lost an absolutely colossal amount of money”, and you are in for one of the better stories about how finance works at the coalface.On this front, Victor Haghani is a man to whom it is worth listening. He spent the mid-1990s as a partner and superstar bond trader at the hottest hedge fund on Wall Street. In its first four years, Long-Term Capital Management () made its initial backers average returns of more than 30% a year and never lost money two months in a row. Moreover, its partners had been trading the capital of Salomon Brothers, an investment bank, for the preceding 20 years, with similar results. But in 1998 the wheels came off in spectacular fashion. lost 90% of its capital at a stroke. Despite a $3.6bn bail-out from a group of its trading counterparties, the fund was liquidated and its partners’ personal investments wiped out. Mr Haghani writes that he took “a nine-figure hit”.

  • Source How to avoid a common investment mistake
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