Generative AI is a marvel. Is it also built on theft?

The wonder-technology faces accusations of copyright infringement

  • by
  • 04 14, 2024
  • in Business

THE FOOTBALLERSAIAIAIAIAI look realistic at first sight but, on closer inspection, something is wrong. Their faces are contorted, their limbs are bending in alarming directions, the ball is slightly egg-shaped. Strangest of all, running across one footballer’s left leg is the ghostly trace of a watermark: Getty Images.Generative artificial intelligence () has caused a creative explosion of new writing, music, images and video. The internet is alive with -made content, while markets fizz with -inspired investment. Open, which makes perhaps the most advanced generative- models, is valued at nearly $90bn; Microsoft, its partner, has become the world’s most valuable company, with a market capitalisation of $3.1trn.

  • Source Generative AI is a marvel. Is it also built on theft?
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